Sunday, March 13, 2011

oh little town of bethlehem.

i love CHRISTMAS. its one of my favorite times of year. this year i get to celebrate this beloved holiday twice! we went to Bethlehem earlier this week and i will say this is a Christmas that i will never forget. real shepherds and real sheep, meeting students at Bethlehem University, going to the Church of the Nativity (the birthplace of Christ), singing every Christmas song in the hymn book, and finishing the day with a fireside and testimony meeting in a shepherds field outside of Bethlehem. this was a day i will never forget.  a Christmas to always be remembered.

shepherd and his sheep.
my new wholly friend.
pretty cute, huh?

new friends + islam teacher on the right...gotta love that guy.

streets of bethlehem.

believed birthplace of Christ.

separation graphite.

solution for peace...

simply bliss.

1 comment:

  1. could you bring me home a sheep please?! your wholly friend looks kind of like annie :)

    Love, Jenn
